Friday, September 9, 2011

Splitsville for Darlene...

Sarah Gilbert And Allison Adler At The Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch

Well, a few weeks ago Sara Gilbert, (you know, Darlene from the show, Roseanne) and TV producer/writer-partner-of-10 years, Allison Adler, have split amicably.  I have no idea how I missed this one! The only thing I can think of is, the tabs were flooded with updates on Little House on the Prairie's Melissa Gilbert and Bruce Boxleitner's divorce being filed the same day as this late breaking news. What the hell? I really thought those gals were gonna make it!


  1. sort of makes me happy to know the lesbians are not immune...

  2. agreed, we need more gays on this blog in general!
