Thursday, September 15, 2011

Don't Stop Believin' Your Wife is Actually Missing...

Well, I don't report the "back togethers" but I'm here to tell you AGAIN that Cameron Diaz and Alex Rodriguez are back in splitsville. OK? I don't want to see them again on my blog dammit! But I did think those kids were gonna make it.

Also, here's a weird one. Remember that couple, Michaele and Tareq Salahi, that "snuck" into that White House state dinner and got a failed reality series (Real Housewives of DC?) Well he apparently reported her missing, when she had actually left her husband (willingly) and went on tour with Journey's Neil Schon. That's a reality show I'd actually watch!  Ouch!  I thought those kids were gonna make it.

I'd like to thank my Senior Reality TV Runaway Correspondent in Maryland for this late breaking news tip!


  1. It would be less humiliating to have your wife run off with Journey in 1981, but 2011?

  2. Poor guy thought she was kidnapped! Even the Feds said let's wait and see. I thought those 2 and AROD/Diaz were gonna make it!

  3. Your Senior Realty Runaway Correspondent is in Maryland just 3 miles outside the DC line.

  4. I guess Tareq won't be welcoming Michaele (annoying names by the by) back into his Open Arms.
